


class stimulation.ArbitraryStimulation(token: str, sequence_list: List[ApiObject])

Bases: object

A class that holds any stimulation that could be passed to the MaxLab system. Initialized with a list of ApiObject.

  • token (str) – The unique token identifying the sequence

  • sequence_list (List[ApiObject]) – A list of ApiObject defining the sequence

build_sequence(initial_delay: float = 5, persistent=True) Sequence

Creates an mx.Sequence from the sequence list.

  • initial_delay (float) – The delay time in ms for downloading the stim sequence. Defaults to 5

  • persistent (bool) – Defaults to True


Initialized stimulation sequence

Return type:


get_duration() float

Returns the duration of a sequence list, in seconds.


sequence_list (mx.ApiObject list) – List of API objects that define a sequence.


The duration of the sequence, in frames.

Return type:


class stimulation.Stimulation(token: str, dac_source: int, amplitude: float = 100, phase: float = 500, pulses_per_train: int = 10, num_trains: int = 1, pulse_interval: float = 10, pulse_train_interval: float = 1, stim_units: List[int] | None = None, well: int = 0)

Bases: ArbitraryStimulation

Class that represents a regular stimulation,, as created by the MaxLab GUI.

  • token (str) – unique identifier

  • dac_source (int) – The DAC channel to send signals to. Must be 0, 1, or 2.

  • amplitude (float, optional) – Amplitude of biphasic pulse, in mV. Suggested values between 0 and 1000. Defaults to 100.

  • phase (float, optional) – Stimulation pulse phase duration (half of a square wave), in us. Suggested values between 100 and 1000. Defaults to 500.

  • pulses_per_train (int, optional) – number of pulses per train. Defaults to 10.

  • num_trains (int, optional) – Number of pulse trains. Defaults to 1.

  • pulse_interval (float, optional) – Time between pulses within a single train, in ms. Suggested values between 1 and 100. Defaults to 10.

  • pulse_train_interval (float, optional) – Time between pulse trains, in s. Suggested values between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.

  • stim_units (Optional[List[int]], optional) – List of stimulation stim_units. Must have a length of less than 32. If None, just sends stimuli to the desired DAC channel. Otherwise, powering on and off stim units is included in the sequence. If this is used, ensure that all stimulation units are powered off to begin with.

  • well (int, optional) – The well number, used for Events, defaults to 0

classmethod combine_stimuli(stim1: Self, stim2: Self, token: str) ArbitraryStimulation

Combine two Stimulation objects into a sequence that runs them simultaneously.

A more general version of this function may be written to support combining arbitrary stimuli, not just Stimulation objects. Currently, this code depends on mx.Event objects of a specific format to determine when stimuli start and end, making it inappropriate for general use. Not configured to deal with mx.DelayCycles objects.

  • stim1 (Self) – The first Stimulation object.

  • stim2 (Self) – The second Stimulation object.

  • token (str) – The unique identifier token for the sequence.


An ArbitraryStimulation object combining the two Stimulation objects.

Return type:


classmethod from_frequency(token: str, dac_source: int, frequency: float, duration: float, amplitude: float = 100, phase: float = 500, num_trains: int = 1, pulse_train_interval: float = 1, stim_units: List[int] | None = None, well=0) Self

Constructor method. Creates a regular stimulation of a given frequency. Phase can be customized, but is restricted to being at a rate that enables the desired frequency.

  • token (str) – Unique identifier

  • dac_source (int) – The DAC channel to send signals to. Must be 0, 1, or 2.

  • frequency (float) – The frequency of the stimulation, in Hz.

  • duration (float) – How long the stimulus should last (for a single train), in s.

  • amplitude (float, optional) – Amplitude of biphasic pulse, in mV. Suggested values between 0 and 1000. Defaults to 100.

  • phase (float, optional) – Stimulation pulse phase duration (half of a period), in us. Suggested values between 100 and 1000. Defaults to 500. Must be less than than 5,000/frequency.

  • num_trains (int, optional) – Number of pulse trains. Defaults to 1.

  • pulse_train_interval (float, optional) – Time between pulse trains, in s. Suggested values between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.

  • stim_units (Optional[List[int]], optional) – List of stimulation stim_units. Must have a length of less than 32. If None, just sends stimuli to the desired DAC channel. Otherwise, powering on and off stim units is included in the sequence. IF THIS IS USED, ENSURE THAT ALL STIM_UNITS ARE POWERED OFF TO BEGIN WITH.

  • well (int, optional) – The well number, used for Events, defaults to 0


A Stimulation object representing the stimulus pattern.

Return type:
